Originally Posted by The Mutt
1 - What are the rules and regulations for owning and buying (We have to be registered to be able to purchase and have to be classed as a regular skirmisher)
In canada, no rules for buying/owning. Mostly 18+
Originally Posted by The Mutt
2 - what are the FPS limits
350 for indoor and 400 for AEGs outdoor... some special cases for 450 and 500 allowed but you generally don't need to worry about that.
Originally Posted by The Mutt
3 - what are the rules around blank fire grenades/trip mines etc
Usually no rules about airsoft specific stuff like tornados, thunder Bs and claymores. There's usually no pyro banger devices but smoke is allowed outdoors. You'll be sad without all the pyro we see in scout's videos of play in the uk.
Originally Posted by The Mutt
4 - are there any special requirements for transport of weapons to site
Cased or hidden in some way, treat it as if it were real.
Originally Posted by The Mutt
5 - is there a restriction on ammo weights (random one i know but i have heard of places saying no heavier than .3g and the likes)
No real restrictions, might be game host specific. Joule output is Joule output, it theoretically is the same as long as it's under 1.5J you are fine (400fps with .2 is 1.5J/ 315fps with .32 is 1.5J)
Originally Posted by The Mutt
6 - any restrictions of fire rate (full auto/semi)
game host specific
Originally Posted by The Mutt
7 - eyewear and face protection requirements, i currently either use mesh goggles or ESS ballistic goggles and occasionally ballistic specs
Some places do not allow for mesh as some brands of BBs shatter and fragments can penetrate mesh. In some cases, a few brands of bio BBs can come through mesh entirely.
I'm a firm believer in use of military grade ballistic eyewear. Looking at specs of regular shooting and safety glasses, I worry that they're not high enough for repeated impacts. Most places leave it to you to decide full seal goggles or eye shields/military shooting glasses. Some places is full seal only. Indoors is generally full seal.
Originally Posted by The Mutt
As i say this list will probably grow however if you can think of anything that i haven't covered then feel free to add it.
You will more than likely not be able to bring your guns in. The import limitation to airsoft guns is 366 fps with a .2 at a minimum. You would need to prove this to CBSA as well in the form of official paperwork. The upper limit is not something you could hit with a field legal gun or maintain functionality without blowing up the gearbox. It would be easier to sell your guns, but keep whatever accessories and bring them over and buy new guns here.
If you're dead set on importing your guns, you will need to contact the CBSA and ask them specifically about importing your property (airsoft guns) as unregulated firearms, which have to shoot over 366fps with .2s.