Thread: MSA Sordin help
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Old July 19th, 2014, 10:11   #5
mr_nuts31's Avatar
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Location: Petawawa, ON
Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
3 prongs? wat...

Sordins usually come with a Lemo 6 pin connector, modified ones will likely have a TP-120 connector.

If you have the Lemo 6 pin, you have 2 options:

1-Get it modified to a TP-120. (SRS Tactical or somebody that knows how - the mic will also need to be changed if this is a un-modified headset)

2-Get a pigtail or a coupler to adapt it to a TP-120. (found on EBAY - mic still needs to be changed)

Once it has a TP-120 connector, you can use a fake or real PTT.
Keep in mind that the fake PTTs MAY not be wired up the same as the headset, and will need to be re-wired.

Also note, that the cheapo fake PTTs are one of the biggest weak points in repro comm setups. If you are investing in real sordins, invest in a real PTT like the Nexus U94, you wont regret it. (buy once cry once) Again, SRS tactical can help you with this.

As for the arc rails.
Again, 2 options, that I know of anyways.

1-Find some custom modified peltor adapters, there is a guy here on ASC that I got mine from. (Rookie Ab)

2-Modify your headset to work with the stock peltor adapters using a SARA kit.
Ahh thanks, figured I get answers from a sig. So yes my sordins are the 6 pin connector thanks to that pic you sent me, and yes I was thinking about getting the RS one from SRS. I know it'll cost me a lot, but I got these sordins off ebay for about $150 so I'm lucky in that sense.

As for the ARC rails, my big concern about them is that I'm running an airframe helmet and there are special adaptors for the rails and the SARA kit. Is there that much of a difference in dimensions between a fast helmet and an airframe that require special parts for them?
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