Equipment AAR
Ok, a quick AAR for the mask and fog wiper.
After gaming both on Sunday I can say that both work well... to a certain point.
The modified half mask fit very well and stayed in place despite all the running I did and didn't cause any noticeable discomfort. I can cheek weld perfectly w/ my AK as is, but not so much with my G3.
The makeshift straps need more work as they required tightening between matches. I need to find something to replace it, maybe something with Velcro or a button snap for quick removal.
One unforeseen issue was that the mask was still trapping too much moisture, causing water to condense on my goggles. I didn't experience any normal "fogging" during the games but it sorta felt like looking through a fishbowl full of water and I was pretty much "combat ineffective" for a large part of the afternoon game. I might see if I can attach a mini fan to the mask and either draw out or push in air to prevent it from happening again. I'll also be applying a coat of Cat Crap anti-fog on my boogies and see if that helps.
Onto the magnetic fog wiper. It works as expected but I ran into an issue with them on my boogies, the goggles are too low profile. When I went to drag the magnet across them, the magnet inside the lens would actually be close enough to touch/get stuck against my eyelids. I can see it working well with other goggles but I ended up removing it as I couldn't use it effectively with mine.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
Last edited by beta678; July 25th, 2014 at 14:08..