Thread: MSA Sordin help
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Old July 18th, 2014, 20:02   #4
2 Cent Tactical
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: NB
3 prongs? wat...

Sordins usually come with a Lemo 6 pin connector, modified ones will likely have a TP-120 connector.

If you have the Lemo 6 pin, you have 2 options:

1-Get it modified to a TP-120. (SRS Tactical or somebody that knows how - the mic will also need to be changed if this is a un-modified headset)

2-Get a pigtail or a coupler to adapt it to a TP-120. (found on EBAY - mic still needs to be changed)

Once it has a TP-120 connector, you can use a fake or real PTT.
Keep in mind that the fake PTTs MAY not be wired up the same as the headset, and will need to be re-wired.

Also note, that the cheapo fake PTTs are one of the biggest weak points in repro comm setups. If you are investing in real sordins, invest in a real PTT like the Nexus U94, you wont regret it. (buy once cry once) Again, SRS tactical can help you with this.

As for the arc rails.
Again, 2 options, that I know of anyways.

1-Find some custom modified peltor adapters, there is a guy here on ASC that I got mine from. (Rookie Ab)

2-Modify your headset to work with the stock peltor adapters using a SARA kit.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; July 18th, 2014 at 20:08..
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