Thread: MSA Sordin help
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Old July 18th, 2014, 17:40   #1
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Location: Petawawa, ON
MSA Sordin help

I need help finding a PTT for my RS MSA Sodin because I think I messed up when I tried to purchase one. My radio has a Kenwood style 2 pin, which I got right when I bought a z-tac PTT. The only problem I have is that on the other end, it appears that the Sordins use what appears to be a 3 prong style plug kinda similar to military radios, I'm not too sure of it though. So any suggestions as to trying to find said PTT for sordins?

Also, I'm looking for ARC rails for the sordins as well since most of the ones I found were meant for peltors.
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