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Old July 17th, 2014, 11:12   #79
DrunkenTeddy's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Langley, BC
C-mags are bulky, hard to carry extras, finicky (at least the ones I've seen), and they rattle. Similar down sides to carrying an actual LMG except the weight of the gun itself, but then you look at the Ares Stoner, it weighs less than many regular AEGs, so maybe that's a moot point. I don't like the idea of a field full of kids with M4's and G36's with C-mags in them, but there are real life equivalents of these guns, and there are still disadvantages to carrying this kind of weapon. If I were organizing a game with magazine limits I would allow any LMG that the real life equivalent can be belt fed, if someone showed up on a game day with a C-mag I would assess the number of support guns already on each team. If the ratio of support guns to regular guns was low (less than one per 5) and the number of support guns was higher on one team, I would allow a c-mag fed gun to play on a team that is short on support gunners.

This is of course my own opinion on the matter, and personally I would caution people away from even bothering with C-mag's merely because this opinion is going to change from game to game and if you really want to play the support gunner role you should probably pick up a traditional LMG to ensure game organizers will let you use it. I wouldn't want to show up to a game with a c-mag fed gun and have to argue with a game organizer to get it onto the field.
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