Airsoft 11.1v is fine for cylinders M90 to M150.
Quality RC 11.1v can run every cylinder under the sun. For the TW5 you can fit a nice 100C 5000mah 11.1 in the gun and it will run nice.
Things that you should do regardless
1. Replace that god awful Tamiya connector
2. If possible replace the quick disconnect spade connectors.
Make sure your motor isn't one of those fake modified motors. I have a "modified" motor in the TW5 I am working here and the commutator/armature is a Pile of shit FCC one. The comm needs to be lathed smooth since the FCC one is rough.
The biggest annoyance with the TW5. Is getting the trigger spring, selector cylinder and ECU in without destroying the ECU. The next issue is making sure you don't pinch the wiring (The black heatshrink is on your pics) when you open / close the receiver. Then the so called "quick" cylinder swap isn't so quick. Lastly, MP-RE-005 is prone to breaking buy a couple of spares. or have one custom made from some quality tool grade steel.
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory