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Old July 14th, 2014, 03:58   #76
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Airsoft isn't real, it's a simulation or a combat based sport. The idea behind running or not running an LMG is the extra ammo capacity. Box mags, drum mags, high-caps, etc are usually banned. If they are allowed mostly it's in an LMG to be properly used as a support weapon. From here there are two trains if thought to consider; firstly is your gun competitive against what's on the field, can it do its job, or are you just trying to look cool and/or have more ammo than everyone else? Second is the ammo capacity. Those magazines are banned for a reason, basically sportsmanship. So if there is a heavy gunner/support class that allows them, the big, heavy, cumbersome LMG comes with it as a balancing point. There is no clever way to make an ultra-light proper LMG, or turn your not LMG into a bullshit variant. That would all defeat the purpose of the sportsmanship rules. Essentially you'd be running a nice light gun with a massive ammo capacity, having a lot more than everyone else. Get a full sized or run standard 30/40 round magazines. Those are your two options.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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