In order to be considered a "regulated firearm" your gun must shoot over 500 FPS "AND" must a muzzle energy in excess of 5.7 joules. In order for airsoft guns to be importable into Canada, they must have a muzzle velocity between 366 FPS and 499 FPS with a 0.20g round. Two totally different scales for two totally different purposes. So no, you cannot bring those into the country, yet you do not need PAL for importation of other airsoft guns.
Sniper Certification Level III is generally recognized as an up to 550 FPS with a 0.20g round by certain groups around Canada, but not all. Most places have a sniper rifle limit of under 500 FPS, 480 FPS, or 450 FPS with a 0.20g round period. Also most places won't allow for a gun to be in excess of standard limits unless you are an experienced player, and they know who you are. The Sniper Certification is a good set of tools, but limits and who can use or exceed them is up to each field organizer or team, and may fluctuate wildly depending on where you're playing.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...