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Old June 19th, 2014, 10:16   #29
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Alberta
Am I the only one who thinks it's snake oil to profess that your hopup will somehow magically make your bb go flatter / further? Consider - once the bb leaves your barrel, with a given velocity and spin, how does the brand / material / shape / price you paid matter to the trajectory? It doesn't - gravity and air resistance take over.

All the effort involved in making a better hopup is be for getting *consistency* so that the same speed, spin, and direction of both, occurs every time. That should theoretically be the goal of picking the best hopup system.

There are a few things that indirectly come from your hopup, like better seal, and repeatable placement of the bb, but those just help make the shot, again, more consistent.

The phrase "a more thorough backspin" seems just odd - we're now making up adjectives that muddy the discussion. I want the same velocity & spin at each shot, that's consistency nothing more.

The RHop seems to be improving accuracy for a lot of people - my take is that longer contact with the patch gets better consistency of spin vs the brief time of contact from a short nub. So you can dial in the best spin for the longest possible trajectory and get that pretty much every time.

But does X revs/second spin from your hopup go further than x revs/second spin from mine? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
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