urgent puxing 888k help not transmitting
I have a puxing 888k and up to now no problem. Manually programed it and worked great.
some how it has got stuck in what seems to be dual mode or call mode (I think). Next to the two freq on screen it now show A and B by the frequinces instead of T and R.
I reprogramed the chnnels, after a reset and still I can hear a radio transimting, but the other radio cant pick my radio up for some reason.
Nightfall is this weekend so I need some urgent help, as I an only hear other now and can no longer transmit. If any one has an jdea how to turn off dual mode or call mode manually (with out the ca le) p, ease let me now asap.
This is a nightmare lol
Ps I tried the reset and pressing the # still no go