Originally Posted by Styrak
The largest variable or worst part of accuracy in a pistol is still the user. Negating some recoil is only going to help follow up shots somewhat.
Absolutely, won't argue that.
But follow up shots can be just as important as your first shot. And I think you underestimate just how big of a difference having minimal recoil makes.
The UMP fires deadly accurate .45ACP same as the vector, and it's recoil is a straight line back to your shoulder. The two guns are just as accurate in semi, but the UMP less so in full auto.
Most frightening thing about the vector is it effectively reduces the recoil by a whopping 60% directly compared against the UMP. Which means you don't have to worry about things like bracing, or your footing, or worrying a burst a full auto shot to your left will tip you over. The M1A1 fires those super scary .45ACP rounds too, but you're only ever worried about the first round from it since it sprays like a walmart M4 on .12s.
Tight ass accurate groupings of .45ACP at any range is damn scary.
As far as airsoft goes, NBB pistols are lame, but you can't tell me they're not easier to shoot lol
Big question is, if KWA makes it, how reliable will it be?