May 15th, 2014, 16:23
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Peoples Republic of Toronto
Originally Posted by uncle_benny12
At the moment, no. We're not really comfortable with taking apart an AEG then sell it to a customer. There has been quiet a few reviews and videos online though, including a 40min review I found:
Hope that helps!
1. Not 100% sure. It looks like it's adjustable but it doesn't come with an adjustment tool, I'm going to request for confirmation on this.
My Realsword didn't come with the adjustment tool either.
I believe that E&L is trying to go the Real Sword route, but with Russian style AKs instead of the Chinese Type 56. Check out the links above for a more detailed breakdown. The FPS seems to be pretty consistent so I think it's safe to assume it has a pretty good air seal out of the box.
Originally Posted by Mausturm
It has been said to be made with the same material as they use with the real AK47/74's, reason being is that E&L was rumoured to be a real firearms manufacture (still?).
E&L's full company name is Emei Landarms
A subcontractor called Emei makes the realsteel Norinco Type 97
Norinco used to make Russian style AKs for Polytech Legends lineup.
E&L's claim to making real firearms might be legit.