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Old May 15th, 2014, 01:48   #15
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
A bunch of guys playing airsoft, which is a legally accepted and sanctioned game the same as paintball, is not the above. If they were using it as a training platform to pull off some kind of attack, well then there is a problem, but the airsoft guns themselves are the least of their concerns.
This HAS happened. Remember those douchebags back in 2006 or so in Toronto who were using paintball to train? Same cell that had the plan to hit the GO train.

CSIS was so far up in their business that they actually came around fields as far as Windsor and inquired about people doing just that. The old WAC got to do a little demo about airsoft guns for them. Needless to say, it's 2014 and your average airsoft community is chugging along nicely without worry of arrest.
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