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Old May 14th, 2014, 20:19   #12
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
Originally Posted by apparition View Post
so if our motors have been worked on and are not tackleberry what should we call it? I just say "motor mod" whenever ive sold them as the motor has had work done on it. Should we standardize what the difference is to make it easier for people to distinguish?
Odds are that a motor that has been worked on will fail in the same manner as the unmodified ones, just maybe a little later. I have had unmodified motors last 200,000 rounds, and modified ones fail after 1/2 mag.

If it has been rewound, serviced and marked by Tackleberry, call it what it is. If not, it is nothing, just a standard motor, and worth about as much.
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