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Old May 12th, 2014, 00:18   #22
DEATH2000's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Originally Posted by FusionXylerion View Post
I'm in Calgary. A drop leg would be better I believe, simply because I have such long arms a drawing motion from my hips is... uncomfortable. I'm in no rush. I like the idea of the SERPA style holsters... although as I am a new player I'm sure I'll have lots to learn about some of the advantages and disadvantages of the various holster types.
I ran an Eagle Industries soft drop leg holster back in 06-07 before BladeTech became common. I liked it, but it flopped around a fair bit when running. The new BladeTech/Safariland ones are far superior. However in my experience I find they sit way to low. A Dropleg holster is supposed to only sit a few inches below your belt line to clear plate carriers and chest rigs. It should only need one leg strap as the strap should sit nice and high up near your groin. This offers the most stability IMO.

Since your in Calgary, if you end up deciding you would rather have a belt mounted holster shoot me a PM. I can help you out by making you one.
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