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Old May 9th, 2014, 19:48   #8
ASC's navel of the year!
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
I've got a Condor Summit in foliage green and it's fuckin awesome. I've worn it to Alaska in summer, Toronto from September to April and I've got no complaints. Waterproof and toasty when layered with a good fleece. A zillion pockets too, got mine from bad wolf tactical on amazon for like $90 shipped, thinking of picking one up in black and one in MC or CB maybe
Good to know, I'll look around a bit more and see if I find anything else I like; if not I'll just go with the condor summit or one of the TAD replica's off of ebay or amazon. Hopefully I find something more water resistant (raincouver...) than either though. I know the condor is water resistant but not as good as some other jackets that are available.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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