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Old May 2nd, 2014, 18:23   #5
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Location: downtown toronto
Originally Posted by audi_bhoy View Post
Well the gearbox is held by the large body pin in the back, a small pin over the trigger, and most of the time there is also the buffer tube screw that screws into the spring guide, so I kind of doubt that the gearbox would be pulled enought by 2 tiny screws so that it doesn't feed. You said you've gone through each troubleshooting, may you specify which one you tried?

Usually feeding issues are due to: Over hop-up, brand of mags that doesn't fit a particular gun (try other brand), mags that needs to be pushed forward (so the hop-up tubes reaches further into the mag), broken/misplaced/bending tappet plate, rate of fire too fast (install a delayer on the sector gear)...
unless you installed the grip as part of a complete rebuild, where it went on before those other screws, pulling the GB into the lower possibly too far or not far enough...?

there are lots of things you can may have to tear it down and do some shimming.

my 2 cents anyhoo.
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