I am surprised no one has mentioned this, the one biggest factor you can do to be fog free without anti fog spray or gel is get dual pane thermal lenses, only use goggle's that have this option available.
Fans are a help, but if it is really humid, only thermal lenses will provide a clear view. Only once or twice in 25 years plus have I had to use a fan with thermals and that was only when a full face mask was involved.
Revision has a thermal option in several colours (you still need to remove the vent foam on the bottom and top), all paintball goggles have this as an option. It is the first upgrade anyone should do before changing their guns. If you cannot see you cannot shoot. You will not regret it. There is a reason I still run cheap JT elite goggles with thermal lenses, they work, never fog and are lower profile than most paintball goggles but still far enough off your sweaty face to create airflow and can be used at any field.
If you insist on the look cool factor for your eyewear with single lense technology, all the better for me, you won't see me coming ;)
Cry Havoc, Let slip the Dogs of War!
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Last edited by MADDOG; May 2nd, 2014 at 10:57..