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Old May 1st, 2014, 04:20   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Goggle Opinions?

Hi all,

I'm sorta new here. Been reading over the various things you fine folks have posted about the various goggles available and was hoping to get some help.
As I am just getting into the sport, and my eyes are important to me, I don't want to cheap out on eye pro.
I am looking at the following goggles:
Revision Desert Locust Goggle (
Smith OTW (
Oakley SI Ballistic Goggle 2.0 (
What are your opinions on these goggles? From what I've read, you guys seem to say good things about the Revisions and Smiths but I haven't heard much on the Oakleys.
Thanks in advance.
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