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Old April 25th, 2014, 22:06   #65
Bandit50's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Ontario
On a side note some of the external pieces of my rifle have proven, plastic So ill be doing some small smithing tomorrow on saturday, with some sheet metal, mig welder, grinder and a File or two. Ill be sure to take some pictures for anyone else with a broken Masada and start another thread. -.- and before you ask. No, I can't make the pieces for you for a price. Sorry I am not a store or a shop kids, I am just a person who likes to display craft for other enthusiasts and professionals to enjoy.. I might however, produce some technical drawings on paper that others could take them to a shop and have them reproduce the parts. No, these will not be in a CAD file either.

Pencil, ruler and my bad hand writing.

Edit: For those interested in what I did this Saturday, and have some reading time http://


Last edited by Bandit50; April 26th, 2014 at 23:27..
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