Originally Posted by Gigueand
The Crossover is still being produced and sold, so it's hard to label it a failed product.
The Crossover did fail. Sales were flat. It was revamped and re-released as the Crossover XVR. Still not selling well at all. Tippmann was trying to position as a tourney marker, but as of today, no pro teams will use it. It remains as a pricey woodsball gun.
Originally Posted by Gigueand
I'd argue that the C3 was never meant to be a commercial success. It was a propane powered pump-gun in an age of ultra-fast, ultra-light HPA powered electropneumatic guns.
Not true. CCM is the best at pumps and still the king of pumps because the quality rules. I have a T2 and know it. Empire had the Autococker Sniper, but CCM still beats it. Pump guns compete in a separate class.
Originally Posted by Gigueand
The flatline certainly wasn't a failure. It has got to be one of the most popular paintball barrels ever made.
Most popular???? but the Flatline died. The Apex has replaced it.
Do you even play paintball?