Originally Posted by pestobanana
Could you measure trigger response?
I measured my SR16 when it was doing 40 RPS and trigger response was 1/20 of a second checked on audacity.
I'll give that a try. I no longer have that setup so I can't really tell you how fast it was by numbers. But I did compared it to my ASCU setup, and it was just about the same. Crazy fast trigger. Anyone that has been over knows what I'm talking about.
Originally Posted by lurkingknight
yeah... right gears.. like 13 or 16:1, with a torquey motor and 11.1... which will give you over 30rps. which is considered a high rof gun according to some.
Like I said, no high speed parts are used. A high torque gear set + motor + 11.1 lipo and a few tweaks and tuning will give you a very fast trigger. I found in my builds, that high speed set up are slow in the trigger response.