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Old April 17th, 2014, 20:17   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
WE G17 Slide gets stuck and vents gas through barrel

I got a "WE G17 Gen 4" used and gamed with it 4 times. On the fourth game the slide got stuck in one position. I can get the slide to go fully foreword although I have to pull back really hard then let go. Hitting the back of the slide really hard works too. Then when I put a mag in to see if it fires, it vents gas through the barrel.

I went to my local airsoft store and they identified that it is not fully a WE G17. It is actually a WE G17 lower frame with a KWA G17 slide/slide internals. They put one of their WE G17 slides on my WE G17 lower and it seems to cycle. Then they put my KWA G17 slide on their WE G17 lower and it got the same problems. They said they are not sure how to fix it other than I need a WE slide.

I'm slightly surprised I was able to game with it 4 times. Now I'm wondering if anyone know how to fix it. Or if I should just buy WE compatible slide internals.

Picture of slide stuck and video of its behavior attached.

Last edited by loafing_smurf; April 17th, 2014 at 20:18.. Reason: fix image url
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