Thread: Speaker idea?
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Old April 8th, 2014, 18:54   #4
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Originally Posted by EskimoSamurai View Post
Soo for jokes I've come up with an idea. I want to run a microswitch under my trigger to a chirp speaker at the front of my rifle, every time I pull the trigger it would make a sound (pew pew..meow meow..bang etc) Would be looking to do the same sort of thing with a flashlight for cqb, pull the trigger and the enemy gets "lit up". My only problem is I know nothing of circuit boards so I don't know how to get the sound idea going, the flashlight idea I've pretty much got down pat.

Thanks advance for the help guys!
Lots of toys guns at Walmart that make all kinds of sounds when you pull the trigger. You could rip out the sound board from these toys guns and stick it into your airsoft gun for sound effects.
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