Originally Posted by pestobanana
I have a setup running a m100 with 3 teeth short stroked. With a tightbore it shoots 355 fps and 340 with the stock barrel. That's why I think your fps is rather low.
Are you sure it is a m100?
Prior to have the btc spectre, i had a m100 with no short stroke teeth and i was getting ~370fps..
But i'll check my compression next time i open it..
But yeah, comparing to that it's strange..
But i also have sorbo on the cylinder head, i may not getting enough air out..i have to change to a type A cylinder, or use shims on the piston head rather than the sorbo pad..
But that's what i'm gonna work next, getting the cylinder/barrel ratio ok and then finally installing the R-hop lol
I have the R-hop patches sitting here for over 4 months and haven't got around to installed them :-P