People's mileage may differ but honestly in airsoft, you don't need real steel optics that can run hundreds to thousands of dollars, and looks the same as a cheapo version. If a BB cracks your $700 eotech, that can be painful.
Normally people run the ACOGs on top of the receiver area. If you're fancy you can even do 45 degree sights so you have long range optic, and you flip to 45 degree to see your 45 degree irons or red dot at closer range. But you wouldn't need to since your acog comes with the red dot at the top.
My personal preference is EXPS3 styled sights running 1/3 cowitness to flipup BUIS. PEQ on the top and front. I then run a flip to side magnifier behind the eotech. And thats the perfect setup. Its a little heavy but you get used to it.
Yeah, the rifle holding stance used by Chris Costa and Travis Haley in Magpul Dynamics can get tiring.
Last edited by zzzzsleepy8; March 25th, 2014 at 21:52..