Originally Posted by lurkingknight
any gun with a reputable hop up chamber casting... compression/reliability upgrades and a pdi w hold will get those results easily.
if your local fields allow for greater than 1.48J then you should be using heavier than .28s.
I use .32s at 1.4J to devastating effect, but I also have full blown r-hop setups with very little fps variance (air leaks)
150ft is only 45m. You should be able to hit a man sized target consistently with any AEG out of the box using .28s.
In comparison I'm hitting 10" pie plates at that range.
The biggest problem with accuracy out of the box in any gun is air seal consistency. You can't expect the BB to hop the same from one shot to the next when the first shot leaves at 390 fps and the next one at 360.
I have modded my current rifle with a tightbore 6.03 and a ProWin Hopup using a PDI w/ hold and it did increase range and accuracy. I'm looking for something out of the box that doesn't need a bunch of monkeying around to get it to reach its potential.
I don't suspect that many guns would have an issue hitting a person at 150 ft. Unfortunately I can't get the guys I'm playing against to walk erect in the open. :lol: They insist on only showing my the top of a head or a shoulder. Since that is the case, a target half the size of the pie plate would be preferable. I'm still experimenting with different weights in BB's and haven't tried anything heavier than .28 yet.