Thread: PTW motors
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Old March 21st, 2014, 19:08   #2
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
Originally Posted by BenG View Post
I have a blown 490 motor that needs to be fixed up before i send it off to england to PPTW or tac id like to know if anyone is doing motor mods in Canada? as far as im aware mcguyver is still retired from modding?
There is no modding to be done anymore, really. There are a couple of guys claiming to do them, but it is a big load of hooey.

The problems that exist, and the remediation of those problems to ensure good performance and reliability require a rewind of the armature, truing the commutator, ensuring smooth motion of the brushes in the hoods and securing the windings properly to prevent resonance and movement.

Send it to Tackleberry in England.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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