Thread: Contour+ Issues
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Old March 19th, 2014, 13:56   #8
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Originally Posted by thebreadbandit. View Post
Don't worry man, I'm constantly asking that myself hahaha. But yes, I'm 99.9% sure it's charged. In the manual it states that the battery indicator light (when plugged in via USB to computer for charging) will be Red when dead/ charging & Green when fully charged. I left it plugged in for 3.5 hours (recommended charging time is 4 hours), and the indicator light was Green the entire time.

I'll try and bring it into a store to trouble shoot whether it's the battery or camera itself. I think the Contour+ and the newer model Contour+2 use the same battery.
It dead or worn out battery will still turn green when charging. The minute you turn it on, the electronics put a electrically load, and it will automatically turn off.

You paid $149??? Store are blowing them out for $99 new.
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