This post is only to my knowledge.
I've sold quality eyewear for the last 6 years. I have personally sold more Oakley eyewear than any one person (barring wholesale, strictly retail sales), in Canada for the last 3 years. The only civilian eyewear that is truely Z87.1 (by oakley) is the industrial mframe (canadian standards and available).
All of their eyewear has thorough testing to the level of ANSI, however isn't certified. This reasoning is for costs and insurance. This pertains to Smith as well (as far as my knowledge goes). The only true Z87.1 standard eyewear by any of these companies is their forces line.
I'm sure there are loopholes and different intricacies in my above statement, which is based solely on retail availability.
In short no matter what you choose Oakley forces, Smith Forces, or ESS (which is an Oakley company btw), the preference will always be up to you, the wearer. I know you cant try them all, but take heed that no matter what choice you make, safe eye pro is the superior choice.
My 2 cents
"I am eternal, I walk the night, I am the reaper of souls... impervious to fire, impervious to steel... fueled by the fears of man, I'm in command"
3 inches of blood