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Old March 14th, 2014, 13:27   #17
Heerven's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Montréal
2 min is pretty long... If I put my hand in a flame for 3 sec it's fine for 2 min I have a BBQ steack medium rare

I have a question? How long it takes to have a blind spot into an eye. I'm working on project with laser pointer to aim a target (non human). but I don't want to risk a player's eye.

if you point a laser by hand on a spot on a wall for exemple. To keep it steady for even one second at 5 m it practically impossible. that mean the beam will probably pass trough your face an hit your eye for a fraction of second. Does that mean it will leave like a line into your eye?
I just want to evaluate the risk if by mistake, pointing an object (Building, vehicule empty), the laser cross accidentally a face for a fraction of seconde for the target acquisition...
We will find a way.

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