Originally Posted by Madrigal
If you decide to get a battle belt, make sure that you swap out it's inner belt to one with a metal clasp. I have found the plastic ones prone to popping open if you put too much strain on the belt while moving or bending.
I've had this happen... so to fix that... I have combined
with http://www.contactleft.co.uk/austria...kle-fcb50.html
and created:
an omni belt.
Now I have best of both worlds. Reusing a belt I already had by putting a cobra buckle and some sliders on it. Now it's probably strong enough to hang out of a helicopter (not that I would want to try) But now I know there's no chinsy plastic buckle to let go and drop my pistol load onto the ground.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.