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Old March 5th, 2014, 13:25   #99
Black Patch
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Alberta. Sherwood Park.
Originally Posted by Wilkie View Post
Certain bullpups, like the p90 are perfect for cqb, but weapons like the Tavor are much less so due to their long stocks. Less so in airsoft because you don't have to shoulder it I suppose, but having to envelope yourself around that stocks exposes a lot of your body.

How's that MAGpul shooter treating you? Always thought that a neat looking concept
The TAVOR was built for urban operations. It looks to have really weird ergonomics but having seen the correct handling demonstrations on "points of contact" with the rifle, it actually makes sense how the ergonomics then come into play.

Most Bull-pups, in the real world at least, offer an increase in maneuverability in MOUT / FIBUA / CQB / CQC scenarios due to length and weight balance when in the shoulder.
They fail in two major areas IMO.
One changing the mag... your eyes are off target for longer when changing mags than comparable times for a conventional layout rifle.
Two: Reach with a Bayonet fixed... That said I would trade a full length barrel over reach any day.
Unless I was at Rourke's Drift, with 10000 angry Zulu's, deciding I would look better as a pin cushion.. then, and only then, I would take a full length rifle.
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