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Old March 4th, 2014, 13:39   #4
ASC's navel of the year!
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Will be watching this thread as I'm looking into getting a battle belt as well.

The condor looked pretty good in person but didn't really seem to grip my waist very well (that and the store wanted $150 for it... Highway robbery..).

I'm looking into an HSGI Suregrip and cobra riggers belt setup as a lot of people seem to like it (tons of positive reviews on real steel forums) and has most of the features I want for a decent price. The only thing it doesn't really have is the taper at the ends which is a bit of a shame. The VTAC Brokos belt is another good alternative with tapered ends but it' costs more than the HSGI battle belt setup by itself so it's a no go for me.

Something to note is that most cobra belts cost quite a bit so you're look at ~$70 for the belt alone if you want that sort of buckle (though there are some that go for a wee bit less).

Take a look at the battle belt/1st line threads on the ar15 forums, lots of pics and set ups there
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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