you're talking a pistol belt with molle on it or a battle belt that can hold a lot more molle stuff?
I've had the condor gen 1 and gen 2 battle belts... can't say I like the gen 2... the flaps that give you access to attaching a legrig to it make those parts very loose fitting, regardless of how tight you have the velcro. The gen 1 also had anti slip pads on it where the gen 2 doesn't. The only improvement gen 2 had over 1 is that it tapers in the front to allow for a bit more bending at the waist.
I'd spend a bit more for something nicer if you want a battle belt. There's also some lower profile ones in real steel gear if the bulk of the condor one is too much.
You'll also need some sort of belt to put inside a battle belt, you can use anything you want really, from the 10$ pistol/tac belt to a 150$ cobra belt.
rigger is for your pants generally. Some riggers have buckles like a cobra buckle that you can use inside a battle belt.
blast and battle are interchangable terms as far as I know.