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Old February 27th, 2014, 04:22   #1
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KWA ERG M4 2014 version

Just found this while watching a couple of videos on youtube.

Electric Recoil Gun (AEG) v 2.0 | KWA | SHOT Show 2014 - YouTube

KWA will be releasing a new non Magpul version of their ERG M4 and get this, its rear-wired!

The Magpul PTS ERG caught my eye when they released it but the fact it was front wired in the MOE handguard was a definite turn off as it didn't allow for the installation of slimmer handguards like the NSR without the use of a PEQ battery box.

Best back up gun for GBBR users who like realism?
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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