Air system: HPA has to be regulated. Standard HPA valving is between 650 and 950 psi.. no problem for any standard hpa paintball tank. CO2 by nature is unregulated at the tank and regulated by the internal valving.
If you're looking for an hpa tank to work with a remote line setup, ANY paintball hpa tank will be just fine. Personally, i'm a big fan of the Ninja tanks as currently their valves have the most consistent output pressure.
NOTE: if purchasing an hpa tank for use in Canada, MAKE SURE it has the appropriate TC stamp on it. No TC stamp, no go. There is also a CE stamp that will be accepted as of Sept this year, but look for the TC to be safe.
12g magazines. The 12g is fit into the mag using an hourglass pressure fit. I tested mags upside down in rigs and did not lose a cartridge once.
The Tier One Tactical Operator
Tippmann Arms M4A1
KWA USP .45, KJW P226, KJW hi-cappa