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Old February 24th, 2014, 09:27   #9
Jbone 11 11
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
G&G's entry level M4's are pretty good value for the money. They have come a long way on the internals as well as the shiny bits on the outside. If its a intro AEG, and shit dosen't work out, then you're not out a ton of cash. I've gamed the G&G Raider L and gamed it hard for about 3 years....ran 11.1 /20C lipo's and it never skipped a beat. Fed amazingly, shot fast and accurate (I did invest in a prometheus tightbore....). I sold it last year because I thought I wanted a change in platform....I regret that decision.

The body is ABS comp....not the crap plastics like a lot of the older/other plastics out there and as such it is strong. In some cases I'd say stronger and way more forgiving than some metal bodies out there. Keep in mind, some of the cheaper full metal modies are the cheap cast-type and relatively brittle. I have busted 2 such metal bodies from rough play....I have not busted the ABS body. Much lighter too, so if its for the GF that might be the way to go.

G&G GR-16 is like $170 all in. They can be bought just about anywhere. Badlands, Gorilla Surplus....lots of places. And I have found the G&G to be good with different mags as oppose to a D-boys M4 I had first which was a little Biatch when it came to some makes.

That said, King arms is also good. There are some King Arms M4's out there that are branded as Cyber Gun (a economy branding) but the internals are the same as the "official" King Arms M4's. Maybe someone more knowledgeable about the airsoft branding practises can correct me on that if I am worng. Princess Auto has them from time to time at around the $250 mark.
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