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Old February 24th, 2014, 01:46   #49
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Depends on the Marui. They are 1:1 for the most part, but their 1911's for example have a bolt on under rail, so the gun, or the holster will need modification. Their 226, PX4, FN 5/7, etc, though are just fine. Honestly, tell us which pistol you want, and then someone will recommend the best manufacturer. KSC, Marui, and a few others make good products, but certain companies really own at certain pistols.

Nothing compares to the Systema design. It's engineering is what creates its success, and the basic design of hop-ups, gear boxes, pistons, etc, of the other AEG, or TM based guns will not match its performance. There are a few companies that have cloned it, but without success. And then there's FCC, who made very high quality parts and custom guns off of the Systema design, but are overpriced and face constant issues.

All that being said, you don't need a Systema to have a good and reliable airsoft gun, it's just the best one out there. Cost isn't just high on the base gun, it's expensive on everything. Gun comes in at $1,700 give or take, mags $25 - $50 a piece, cylinders $150 - $200 a piece, etc. Any Systema will eventually need the motor mod. Usually within the first year, but it can happen in the first six months, or lady two years or more, but rarely. The motor mod is around $250, but once it's done, they are usually bullet proof.

GBBRs for the kick add a nice bout of realism, but they are expensive to upgrade, their mags are expensive, and they need constant maintenance. They also suffer from FPS mood swings in temperature changes, and can have random issues due to their natures. Some gas systems can put out some great performance, but they aren't quite there yet. If this is the avenue you wish to pursue, I'd recommend RA-Tech guns.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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