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Old February 23rd, 2014, 23:40   #47
Join Date: Apr 2011
Originally Posted by MaybeStopCalling View Post
I'd say the holster is more important than the gun, persay. Airsoft is horrible for training you to actually shoot. What it's good for is to practice movements, say like the draw of a pistol. It makes no sense to wear a Serpa when the department you want uses a Safariland... you waste muscle memory trying to learn both.
Very good point, I never thought of that. We're using some cheapo 2-stage holsters in school currently, but as I've heard, the minimum you'll find on duty at present is 3-stage. I have noticed, especially with the unadjusted belts we use in school, that the holster digs into my hip like crazy.

Any info on what holsters OPP use? I'd grab one if I knew exactly what they use.
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