Wow, awesome quick replies, guys!
Originally Posted by Scouser
In Winnipeg most have glocks, though a buddy of mine has special permission to use a Springfield instead, glock doesn't fit his hands right
That's interesting - so far I've been told I'll be using whatever is issued to me, but if I had a choice, I'd be going with a 1911 because of the size of my hands. The Glock 17 is nice and all, but the 1911 is what fits me the best and what I feel most comfortable using.
Seems to me the general consensus here is that I'll be using either a Glock or a P226.
Most people recommend either a Tokyo Marui or a KSC when choosing a Glock, with the KSC coming out on top as far as reliability goes, and the TM coming out on top as far as accuracy goes, but if I were to buy a P226, what would be the smartest option? I know there are lots of people who love the System 7 GBB pistols, so it may be another choice for KSC as far as that goes, but I'd like to hear some opinions if people are interested in giving them.