Ztac Sordins vs HL Impact Sport?
So I've been looking at a number of headsets, mostly for ear protection as I don't foresee myself requiring comms/radio usage immediately and I'm stuck between going with a set of Z-tac headsets (Sordins) and a set of Howard Leight Impact Sport.
I know they're completely different with regards to function, as the Z-Sordins are for communication while the HL's are pretty much for real steel IPSC/range use headsets. But setting aside the Z-Sordin's ability to function as a comm headset, does anyone know how they compare with regards to amplifying ambient noise/conversations and blocking/lowering noise above the indicated dB limit?
I've heard the Ztacs cut off audio as opposed to lowering the dB level, while the Impact Pro's function as you would expect them to. Not sure if its true or not.
I'm planning on getting a Baofeng UV5R radio with a set of the Z-Sordins for comms in the future but considering that I won't need a radio as of yet, the Impact Pros seems to offer better performance with regards to the functionality of a set of electronic headsets.
Comment away! :P
Last edited by beta678; February 21st, 2014 at 03:04..
Reason: Impact Sport, not Impact Pros