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Old February 19th, 2014, 22:54   #11
N_Force's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
First of all, I like this shotgun without hop up and just using co2 PUSHING all bbs out of the 12G barrel and spread out. Since it is using wad, the co2 energy is not directly on each bb, it's PUSHING them. I believe that would have alot of lost and reduce power. Secondly, 12 of the .2g bbs doesn't mean that all on one piece in 2.4g, so the total energy should not all on 10.05J, I think should be divided by 12 plus the lost by pushing as far as I understand. Correct me if I'm poor on physics knowledge. Or if I'm lucky to get one to find out.
This design, the worst thing is the reload as you mentioned that I totally agreed. It's a disaster!

I have a double barrel shotgun using GG shell and 6mm barrel. All the bbs i load in the shell, the gas direct pump out all bbs through the 6mm barrel, that minimize the energy lost. Not like this APS one, through the 12 gauge barrel.
aka Uncle

Last edited by N_Force; February 20th, 2014 at 10:40..
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