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Old February 18th, 2014, 15:41   #62
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Manitoba
Have to say I'm always worried about the gearbox too, mainly the proprietary parts issue. That being said, I played all last season without any problems. I happen to love the 2 stage trigger! No having to switch back and forth from semi to full to conserve ammo then unload on a surprise attack. Try an 11.1v lipo, brings up the rof dramatically. Never had any problems firing more than 1 shot with my 7.4v though, just practice with the trigger, remember it's a 2 stage. She does sound weak running on 7.4, so move up to an 11.1 and she sounds nice. The small battery hasn't posed a problem as I run all day on 1 battery, I'd say I've put 4000 rounds through without draining a battery, (always have a spare ready to go anyway). My hop is fine too, I set it once and haven't had to touch it since, 20ish game days...
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