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Old February 16th, 2014, 14:06   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Canada/US
One additional thing for Primary Arms(of which I have 2), it works with the same mounts for the real Aimpoint Micro(important for me since I need to install it on a top cover for a Midwest Industries AK rail for the Micro) A lot of the Micro clone comes with integral mount thats not removable. Things to note also is that the earlier version has the emitter at the 6 O'clock, which will affect its ability to co-witness with Irons at lower 1/3. The later model moved that to 4 O'clock like the real Micro(though the emitter is a bit bigger).

I wrote this up almost a year ago:

I have since gotten a 2nd Primary Arm to replace the AMP one, just to get the cowitness sight picture back.

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