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Old February 11th, 2014, 10:14   #10
Squid Porn Superstar, I love the tentacles!
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
I could be wrong as in my AEG I have zero air seal problems with the W-Hold, but the FPS drop (to my knowledge and experience) comes from the larger mound of the W-Hold, causing more friction on the BB. I've never had any performance issues with them regarding air seal and when I turn hop all the way off my FPS goes right up to what it should be at around 395+/-2FPS.

Maybe I'm lucky?

I know I get the same results with my GBBRs using the PDI, and same thing when I use the Reaps A+ rubber. When I engage hop to the right setting I get around a 12FPS drop with both rubber types. Doesn't affect range or accuracy in any negative fashion, only dat +.
What spring are you using to get 395 FPS? With a perfect air seal you can do that with a M100. I think the FPS drops are from the opening in the middle, as the BB is passing through the hop up rubber air escapes through that. That's my theory anyway.

Aside from the FPS loss the rubbers shoot decently well.
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