Originally Posted by beta678
Btw, since you're a local player, do you have any idea whether Mandrake or MC works better for our local fields? I haven't had a chance to go out to Panther or MRP so I have no idea if either work well in the fields.
I've only really played at panther... and to be honest MC stands out like a sore thumb except in the late fall. Not as bad as black or ACU stands out, but not as good as CADPAT. Haven't seen MAD on that field. but by seeing how much green it has in it, It would probably do fairly well. The best I've seen is a guy wearing complete brown and no pattern. On that field, the more brown the better. Except for the tire fort, and who honestly hides there.
Originally Posted by beta678
I'm ok with belts as long as they don't shift around too much but maybe I'll just got with a rigger's belt instead of a fully decked out war belt that sits around your waist.
I used to use a HSGI 1.75" riggers belt. Loved the thing. Just a hastle taking it off and and on. The Ares 1.5" is allot easier and fits more pants. It just doesn't hold up a couple of trucks like the HSGI one.