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Old February 6th, 2014, 15:34   #73
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Peterborough
From the looks of their FB page to me any ways they are just posting to stall no mention of new ownership, just trying to stop the questions while they do whatever they are doing, be it actually revamping or packing up and running away.

Revolution Airsoft Hi guys, there will be a period of time while the store is down so the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.
BTW, all orders have been processed and all refunds issued. Only outstanding items are 2 returns which our techs are looking at right now.

24 minutes ago ยท

P.S BloodSport if your bored, the same group of guys seem to always like RA posts such as sales and such on FB maybe a lead in tracking down the mysterious owners/operators.
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