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Old February 6th, 2014, 02:39   #6
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Ugh... Reread my opening post and it’s as if a disorganized, moderately intoxicated and partially literate penguin wrote it... why a penguin... I have no idea, first thing that came to mind.

Should have thrown together a kit list from the start for a critique and posed the relevant questions for each section of gear under it; would have been clearer and more organized.

Anyways, a slight rehash but here we go.


1. Tactical ball cap – Condor tactical cap in MAD/MC
2. Low profile goggles – Revision DL fan, Boogie sport regulators, Bolle X1000 duals or X810’s (if I can find either of them)
3. Comms/headset – Ztac Sordins or HL Impact Sports (Really just looking for something to protect my ears. Sordins would allow me to add a radio setup later on and the Impact Sports would offer some hearing protection)
4. Mesh half Mask – Looking for something that fits well and isn’t oversized. Preferably with two straps that allow straps to go around ears
5. Shemagh – Something to protect against those neck shots


- Does anyone have a similar headgear setup? Did you run into issues regarding the fitment and management of the various straps? Pics?

Chest Rig/Plate Carrier:

Looking for something that’s not bulky and provides enough clearance to run a war/battle belt if I decide to add that piece of gear. Haven’t decided on anything yet as I haven’t decided what to run as a primary at this point (held off on writing this thread for a while due to this but thought I might as well toss it out there to get some opinions). Open to suggestions on other non bulky HSLD rigs and carriers.

1. Haley D3 Replica by TMC – cheap alternative to the real thing
2. Shellback Banshee – well priced & tons of good reviews


1. TMC Combat pants in Mandrake/Multicam – Unsure of sizing
2. TMC Combat shirt in Mandrake/Multicam – Maybe?
3. Softshell Jacket in OD/Tan – Probably better suited for the cold weather, more inclined to go with the softshell jacket and combat pants combo that a lot of people seem to run.


- Does anyone know what the sizing on TMC gear is? Its marked as Small/Med/Large but I have no idea what waist size they correspond to.


- Not really my area of expertise, I like the concept of being able to easily put on and take off a war/battle belt but for the moment, all I really need is something that can carry a Serpa holster, a dump pouch and two pistol magazine holsters. It’d be nice if the belt allows for expansion and the addition of various other gear later on but I don’t really want to weigh myself down and honestly can’t think of anything else I’d add on asides from the things I’ve already mentioned. Thoughts?


- I’ve looked at a number of boots but I’m still not quite sure what to go with. I’ve looked at speed freaks, 5.11’s, etc, but want to get a good balance of price, quality and comfort. Prefer boots around the $100 mark +/- $25 or so. Open to suggestions on what to look at, I’m not a fan of the bigger bulkier boots I see a lot of the times so it’s kind of hard to find something I like.


- I’m also looking into radios, the Baofeng UV5R specifically as it seems to do a lot for the price (on amazon at least). Any advice or tips on running these? I’ve watched a bunch of programming videos on youtube and it seems straightforward enough. Don’t really have any questions regarding it but thought I’d put it in here just for the sake of it. Planning on getting an amateur radio operator cert some time down the line so it seems like a nice addition.

1. Baofeng UV5R Radio – cheap comms

Any advice or tips on gear in general is greatly appreciated and would be helpful for me and any other new players who happen on this thread and are trying to put together a basic gear load out so don’t be shy with your comments!

*Didn't want to edit the opening post since you guys already responded to it so basically just clarifying and adding to what I asked earlier*
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